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{# <div style="background-color: var(--blue); padding: 1rem 2rem;">
<h1 style="margin-top: 0; color: var(--surface)">
About the war in Ukraine...
<p style="color: var(--surface)">
We at qwik stand with the Ukrainian people against Putin's complete and utter bullshit. Putin has no right to take Ukraine. <span style="color: var(--yellow);">#FuckPutin</span>
-- Team qwik <span style="font-size: 1.5rem; color: inherit; left: -.25rem; top: .1rem; position: relative;">&nbsp; &lt;3 &nbsp;</span>
<div style="background-color: var(--yellow); padding: 1rem 2rem;">
<h1 style="margin-top: 0; color: var(--surface)">
What can I do?
<p style="color: var(--surface)">
One can not do everything, but together we are strong. Protesting and donating to help organisations <i style="color: inherit;">can</i> help.<span style="color: var(--blue);">#SaveUkraine</span>
-- Team qwik <span style="font-size: 1.5rem; color: inherit; left: -.25rem; top: .1rem; position: relative;">&nbsp; &lt;3 &nbsp;</span>
</div> #}
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<img class="logo" src="/assets/images/logo.svg" alt="qwik logo" />
Welcome to <span style="color: var(--primary)">qwik</span><span style="color: var(--accent)">.</span><span style="color: var(--primary)">space</span>!
"A comfy little corner of the internet..."
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Nitter is a Twitter frontend. Use it to browse Twitter without getting tracked.
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Bibliogram is an Instagram frontend. Use it to browse Instagram without getting tracked.
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Libreddit is a Reddit frontend. Use it to browse Reddit without getting tracked.
<a href="https://libreddit.qwik.space">BROWSE</a>
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Invidious is a YouTube frontend. Use it to browse YouTube without getting tracked.
<a href="https://invidious.qwik.space">WATCH</a>
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These services requires an account, which you can create <a href="https://qam.qwik.space">here</a>.
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Gitea is an alternative to Github, Gitlab, etc.
We host our own instance, but feel free to use it as well (if you're brave enough).
<a href="https://git.qwik.space">CODE</a>
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XMPP is an instant messaging protocol. You can find more info in the article below.
<a href="/articles/xmpp/intro">READ MORE</a>
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Zulip is a chat service. The UI <i>somewhat</i> resembles Discord.
It is quite advanced/bloated and we might switch it out for something else.
<a href="https://chat.qwik.space">CHAT</a>
<div class="card">
Hedgedoc is an online markdown editor featuring real-time collaboration.
<a href="https://docs.qwik.space">WRITE</a>
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We run an instance of CryptPad. As of now, accounts are supplied as per request. See contact options below.
<a href="https://pad.qwik.space">WRITE</a>
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<a id="contact"></a>
If you have any questions, feedback, ideas, or anything else, feel free to contact us.
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<p class="contact-type">XMPP</p>
<p class="contact-type">Matrix</p>
<p class="contact-type">Email</p>
<p>burnyllama [at] protonmail [dot] com</p>
<p style=" margin: .5rem .2rem 0 .2rem;">You can read about news for qwik.space, rants, and other stuffs over at my <a style="font-size: inherit;" href="https://blog.qwik.space">blog</a>.</p>
<div id="footer">
<p class="love">
Made with <span class="heart">&nbsp; &lt;3 &nbsp;</span> by team qwik!
<p class="footer-header">Attributions &amp; Credits</p>
The font used on this page is <a href="https://manropefont.com/">Manrope</a>.
The <a href="/assets/images/logo.svg">logo</a> is made by BurnyLlama and is available under the <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">CC BY 4.0</a> license.
<p class="footer-header">Policies</p>
Feel free to read our <a href="/articles/privacy_policy">Privacy Policy</a> or <a href="/articles/terms_of_service">Terms of Service</a>.
<p class="footer-header">Resources</p>
We provide qwik's resources <a href="/articles/graphical-profile/intro">here</a>. (This includes logo, colours, fonts, etc.)
<p class="footer-header">Contribution</p>
If you want to contribute, feel free to <a href="#contact">contact us</a>.
<p class="footer-header">Visit us on TOR</p>
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