{% extends "../templates/basic.njk" %} {% block head %} DDStats - Credits {% endblock %} {% block body %}


Team qwik

The developers of qwik are the main working force behind DDStats. BurnyLlama is the main designer and developer of the UI and API, while furo (Yumiko) is the "database engineer". (That means he does a lot of scuffed things so that the stats can be presented.)
This DDStats instance is also hosted by BurnyLlama.

deen & DDNet

Deen has both provided us with help and guidence, as well as with data. Also, since this project shows stats for DDNet, DDNet is also important!

Node packages used

We also have some dependencies:
@msgpack/msgpack, better-sqlite3, dotenv, express, nunjucks

{% endblock %}