/** * This is the entrypoint for 'DDStats'. * DDStats is a custom API that servers statistics from the DDRace Network- * @author BurnyLlama */ import express from 'express' import dotenv from 'dotenv' import njk from 'nunjucks' import initLog from './libs/utils/log.js' import routes from './routes/routes.js' import { generateDB } from './libs/database/generate.js' import { dbInit } from './libs/database/init.js' import { getStats, setStat } from './libs/serverStats.js' import { downloadEssentialData } from './libs/download/dowload.js' import { ddnssStart } from './libs/ddnss/handler.js' const start = Date.now() const log = initLog("[ MAIN ]") // Read the .env file dotenv.config() setStat("startup", start) setStat("lastDBUpdate", start) if (process.env.DOWNLOAD_FILES === "enabled") await downloadEssentialData() dbInit() generateDB() const Server = express() njk.configure( 'views', { autoescape: true, express: Server, lstripBlocks: true, trimBlocks: true } ) Server.use('/', routes) Server.use('/api', routes) Server.use('/assets', express.static('static')) const elapsed = Date.now() - start log(`Took ${elapsed/1000} seconds to start the server!`) Server.listen(process.env.PORT ?? 12345, () => log(`Server started and listening on port ${process.env.PORT}.`)) //ddnssStart()