general: # Reset commonly reset properties. # E.g. margin, padding, box-sizing, etc. # In Nebulosa, this is a really small reset. # I recommend keeping it turned on. css_reset: true # Set the scroll behaviour. [ smooth | auto ] scroll_behaviour: smooth # For `family` settings can be any valid CSS font family string. font_settings: default: family: "'Manrope', sans-serif" heading: family: "'Manrope', sans-serif" paragraph: family: "'Alegreya', serif" forms: family: "'Manrope', sans-serif" typography: # Enables headings, paragraphs, bold, and italic. enabled: true # Enables ol and ul. enable_lists: true # Enables the blockquote element enable_blockquotes: true buttons: # Enables button styling. enabled: true # Allows the use of a secondary button. (A button of different colour.) enable_secondary: true # Allow styling of buttons with the `disabled` property. enable_disabled: true # Select what styles of buttons to enable. # These are only enabled if `buttons.enabled` is true. enabled_styles: raised: true filled: true outline: true text_only: true forms: # Enables basic form styling. # Forms, labels, and common (text) inputs. enabled: true # Enables custom styling for radio buttons and checkboxes. custom_radio_checkbox: true # Enables a custom styling for so called "switches". enable_switch: true # Enables a custom styling for color inputs. custom_color: true # Enables a custom styling for file inputs. custom_file: true # Enables a custom styling for range inputs. custom_range: true layouts: publishing: true