import sass from "sass" import fs from "fs" import { log } from "console" import YAML from "yaml" import parseTemplate from "./parseTemplate.js" export default function buildNebulosa(debug) { log("Generating Nebulosa CSS...") log("Reading config...") if (!fs.existsSync("./config.yml")) { log("No config file found!") log("Copying 'example-config.yml' to 'config.yml'...") fs.copyFileSync("./example-config.yml", "config.yml") } const config = YAML.parse(fs.readFileSync("./config.yml").toString()) log("Reading templates...") const templateFiles = fs.readdirSync("./src/templates") const templates = fileName => { return { fileName, content: fs.readFileSync(`./src/templates/${fileName}`).toString() } } ) log("Executing templates...") templates.forEach( template => { const compiledTemplate = parseTemplate(template.content, config) fs.writeFileSync(`./src/${template.fileName}`, compiledTemplate) } ) log("Compiling SCSS...") const { css } = sass.compile( "./src/main.scss", { style: "compressed" } ) const now = new Date() .toISOString() .replace(/\.\S+/g, "") .replace(/:/g, ".") .replace(/T/g, "_") const outFileName = debug ? "./out/main.css" : `./out/${now}.css` if (!fs.existsSync("./out")) fs.mkdirSync("./out") log("Writing file...") fs.writeFileSync( outFileName, "/* Generated using Nebulosa CSS. */\n" + css ) log(`Saved config file to ./out/${now}.css`) } // If the file is run directly from the commandline, build Nebulosa. if (import.meta.url === `file://${process.argv[1]}`) { log("Building Nebulosa...") buildNebulosa(false) }