
54 lines
1.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import fs from 'fs'
import njk from 'nunjucks'
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom'
import { parseExternalContext } from './externalContext.js'
// Load in config
const ConfigFile = fs.readFileSync('./config.json')
const Config = JSON.parse(ConfigFile)
function generateToc(dom) {
const tocAnchors = dom.window.document.querySelectorAll(".toc-anchor")
let tocLinks = []
// This basically creates a proper link for the ToC. :)))
tocAnchors.forEach(anchor => tocLinks.push(`<a href="#${anchor.name}" class="${anchor.classList[1].replace("-anchor", "")}">${anchor.getAttribute('data-orig-text')}</a>`))
return tocLinks
function generateContext(renderedNjk, externalContext = undefined) {
const dom = new JSDOM(renderedNjk)
return {
serverName: Config.serverName,
tocLinks: generateToc(dom),
externalMeta: externalContext ? parseExternalContext(externalContext) : undefined
export function njkRenderer(path) {
const njkFile = fs.readFileSync(path).toString()
const renderedNjk = njk.renderString(njkFile)
const context = generateContext(renderedNjk)
return njk.renderString(njkFile, context)
export function mdRenderer(path) {
// Load in the njk template and markdown
const njkFile = fs.readFileSync(`${Config.contentDir}/templates/external_md.njk`).toString()
const externalMarkdownFile = fs.readFileSync(path).toString()
// Separate the actual markdown from potential 'externalContext'
const externalMarkdown = externalMarkdownFile.replace(/^%%-\n[\S\s]*-%%\n/, "")
const externalContext = externalMarkdownFile.match(/^%%-\n[\S\s]*-%%\n/)[0]
const renderedNjk = njk.renderString(njkFile, { externalMarkdown })
let context = generateContext(renderedNjk, externalContext)
context.externalMarkdown = externalMarkdown
return njk.renderString(njkFile, context)