# qwik cms This is a **really** basic CMS. But it will get the job done. It basically operates really simple. It checks what path a client is trying to access and checks if there is a corresponding file for that. After that it renders the file if it exists (if not it sends a 404 error). ## Installation ### Requirements: * node * npm ### Instructions: ```bash git clone https://git.qwik.space/BurnyLlama/qwik-cms cd qwik-cms npm i node index.js ``` ### Extra info Even tho it can be annoying, I would recommend looking through what code this will run on your PC/server. Otherwise you would have to take my word for it, which could be a bad idea. (Although I can *promise* you that there is no malicious code or dependency in this project AFAIK.) The project depends on the following packages (installed when you ran `npm i`): * express (a web server framework) * nunjucks (a templating engine) * fs (used for filesystem operations) ### Maintenence I recommend forking (or just cloning) this repository if you want a long-term solution for stuff like multiple people working on the site. ## How do I create pages? Let's say you want a page on the path `/foo`, then you can create the corresponding file in two places: * `{contentDir}/pages/foo.njk` * `{contentDir}/pages/foo/index.njk` `/foo/bar` would be in either of: * `{contentDir}/pages/foo/bar.njk` * `{contentDir}/pages/foo/bar/index.njk` If both files exist the first one specified is rendered. `{contentDir}` is configured in `config.json` and its default is `content/`. The documents are written in the [nunjucks](https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/) templating language which means you can use imports/includes/etc for code reusability. ## Configuration The default configuration looks like this: ```json { "contentDir": "content", "assetsDir": "assets", "serverPort": "8789", "serverName": "qwik" } ``` The file is called `config.json`. ### Descriptions #### contentDir Specifies which directory the content is in. Default: `content` #### assetsDir Specifies which directory the assets are in. These items will be statically available on (your site's) `/assets/`. I recommend storing CSS, images, etc. here. Default: `assets` #### serverPort The port the server should run on. Default: `8789` #### serverName This can be accessed in any page/template by using `{{ serverName }}` Default: `qwik` ## Future features I have some ideas on things that would be good to implement, one of which is plugins/extensions that can provide extra functionality. As an example, it would be cool to be able to implement sidebars that contains all pages (if you're making a blog or wiki/documentation). It would also be nice to have a plugin that could auto update (and restart) the server if you make changes to a git repository. (You could do this with cronjobs in theory, but this *should* be the server's responsibility.)