import fs from 'fs' import njk from 'nunjucks' import { generateContext } from './generateContext.js' // Load in config const ConfigFile = fs.readFileSync('./config.json') const Config = JSON.parse(ConfigFile) export function njkRenderer(path) { // Read in the template const njkFile = fs.readFileSync(path).toString() // Pre-render it for analysis while rendering context const prerenderedNjk = njk.renderString(njkFile) // Generate proper context and make a final render of the template. const context = generateContext(prerenderedNjk) return njk.renderString(njkFile, context) } export function mdRenderer(path) { // Load in the njk template and markdown const njkFile = fs.readFileSync(`${Config.contentDir}/templates/external_md.njk`).toString() const externalMarkdownFile = fs.readFileSync(path).toString() // Separate the actual markdown from potential 'externalContext' const externalMarkdown = externalMarkdownFile.replace(/^%%-\n[\S\s]*-%%\n/, "").replace(/```\w*[\s\S]*?```/g, match => match.replace(/ /g, "•")) const externalContext = externalMarkdownFile.match(/^%%-\n[\S\s]*-%%\n/)[0] // Pre-render the template for analysis during context generation. const prerenderedNjk = njk.renderString(njkFile, { externalMarkdown }) // Generate the context and add the externalMarkdown to the context, then render the template. let context = generateContext(prerenderedNjk, externalContext) context.externalMarkdown = externalMarkdown return njk.renderString(njkFile, context) }