Promotional image for qwik's graphical profile.

qwik resources

graphical profile, guidelines, and resources


We only use one font, Manrope. It has 7 weights:

We use Regular as the default weight and for bold text Bold. We use a line height of 1.5 for better readability. Try to keep the font big enough to be readble. Other weights should only be used in other material, like posters, images, social media posts, etc. to spice them up.

We'd also recommend justifying paragraphs that are wider, wile left-aligning less wide paragraphs. (See image below.)

An image showing how we align text.


You can download our logo as an svg here. It is made by BurnyLlama and is available under the CC BY 4.0 license (tl;dr: give us credit).


We have a big colour scheme including 12 colours with five tones each. We also provide a greyscale with 15 tones. Our official designs should only use these colours and tones.

An image showing all colours in the qwik color scheme.

Our primary color is called Sea Green (#3DDF89 ), and then we have two accent colours: Hacky Cyan (#4CDCDF ) and Sky Blue (#4C9CEF ). We use Sea Green for H1s and buttons, Hacky Cyan for H2s, and Sky Blue for links.
Here you can find all the hex-codes for the other colours.